Hitchhiker's guide to shaping the esports landscape

By Anita Kiraly, Communications Officer, ISCA

Esports are often perceived as individualised and home-based activities, whether this involves the individual player or spectator of elite esports. In between these two images lies a thriving grassroots esports culture, where many children and young people are engaged in activities organised by stakeholders spanning from their local schools, online communities and sports clubs. In the European Grassroots Esports project, five approaches are described in a new report, and these approaches all contribute to the grassroots esports landscape in different ways. The report,  ‘Conceptual Models and Dimensions of Grassroots esports’, is now available!

The Conceptual models and dimensions of grassroots esports document identifies and outlines the different dimensions of grassroots esports and gives the reader perspectives on how to promote a grassroots esports model where the focus is solely on participating, socialising and enjoying esports and gaming activities. 

The document introduces five tendencies that have developed as dynamic and diverse aspects of the esports landscape, adding new perspectives to the sector. These approaches and different categories of initiatives take various forms, but each contribute to the growth and development of grassroots esports in its own unique way. Building largely on the findings and perspectives from the mapping of stakeholders, practices and models of grassroots esports, the chapters provide additional understanding and inspiration on how to start up a grassroots esports club or other initiatives with esports as a driver towards reaching youth. 

Besides the five different dimensions of grassroots esport, the document provides an insight into the three conceptual models to support future leaders in developing new grassroots esports initiatives leveraging esports as a tool to connect with youth and build new communities.

Finally, it provides perspectives towards the overall promotion as well as a glimpse into the potential future of grassroots esports. 

You can download the document here: https://esports.isca.org/resources-conceptual-models-and-dimensions


Posted on 01/08/2023 by Anita Kiraly, Communications Officer, ISCA

"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."